
Carousels are a magical part of American history and a central theme in many childhood memories. People all over the country have fallen in love with the magnificent carousel horses, and more than a few couples have fallen in love with each other riding these mystical animals under the swirl of spinning canvas and dancing lights.

Designing and building historically accurate, fully operational, miniature carousels combines artistic flare with electronic and mechanical design as well as fabrication skills.

Each one requires more than 250 hours to craft. We utilize photographic chemical etching technology along with conventional machining, and quality wood working to create the piece. We add the magic of sound, light, and motion, with custom electronics which delivers bursts of light to nearly five hundred feet of fiber optics, regulates the speed of the drive motor and amplifies the audio to the internal speaker system.

All of the artist work, electronic and mechanical design, and parts fabrication, with the exception of chemically etching the brass and the production of the "raw" circuit boards are carried out in our facility. This includes the finish work, and the intricate champleve "drip and flow", needle point painting.

Of course, miniature carousels are a labor of love and a chance to weave technology and art together into magic. But they are also a good example of coordinating different disciplines to produce a quality result.

Contact Information
(719) 473-7499
(719) 471-8364 
Postal address 
146 Talamine Ct.
Colorado Springs, CO 80907 

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