Electronic Designs

70 pin semiconductor probe card test interface commonly referred to as a
 "Break Out Box"

Key Benefits
  • When you engage CRD we provide all the necessary skills, technology and equipment to service your needs.  In this way you have full access to quality engineers  and facilities without capital investment or increase  in staff levels.

  • Our multi-disciplined staff  brings a wide skill range and broad technological  base into play on your behalf.  This is  more economically feasible than employing individual engineers on staff to provide equivalent levels of support and experience.

  • Utilizing the CRD team affords your engineers the time to focus on their primary goals while we support their work or handle additional issues.

Our electronic engineering services center around industrial and instrument control.  We develop and fabricate complex industrial machine control systems and medical research equipment as well as simple lighting controls and low voltage devices.

Control retrofits and repairs
Our team can repair, upgrade, modify or completely replace older control elements and derelict systems.

New circuit and assembly design
CRD creates new circuit designs based on discrete components, power control devices, PIC chips, PLC's and microprocessors.  Additionally, we can design the printed circuit boards and mechanical elements.  To complement these services we have established relationships with local and national vendors to facilitate the fabrication of the bare P.C. boards and mechanical parts.  Additionally, we can construct and test P.C. board assemblies, sub-assemblies and complete systems and instruments.

Design support
CRD is pleased to assist at any level of involvement.  If you have existing designs which require enhancement, upgrades or modifications we stand ready to tackle any phase of the project where you require assistance. 

Restored obsolete 
control cabinet

Custom fire monitoring and alarm system

Electronics Lab
(where most fires start)

Contact Information
(719) 473-7499
(719) 471-8364 
Postal address 
146 Talamine Ct.
Colorado Springs, CO 80907 

Electronic mail 

Opportunity Discovery and Client Liaison :

Operations and Engineering: 

Support Engineers:

Business Relationships and Product Development: 

Electronic and Software Engineering: 

Mechanical and Packaging Engineering:


Send mail to markl@crd-colorado.com with questions or comments about this web site.